Staff Resources

Here you will find a selection of quick links for various resources.

Resource & Link Description
Accelerated Reader Reading Practice
Bromcom Login to Bromcom
Canva Create professional designs online
Classcharts Class Charts
Classroom Cloud Manage and view Chromebooks in your lesson
ClickView Access thousands of TV programmes, films and documentaries
Evolve Trips & Visits
Foldr Access your school documents and files from here
Google Classroom Manage your classes online
iTrent Employee Self Service
Kerboodle Lessons, resources and books
Library Login to the school library system to find your next read & more!
OneDrive Access your Files 
PaperCut Release your print jobs
PaperCut Mobility Print Install Printers on a non-school device
Parents Evening System Parents Evening booking system
Provision Map ProvisionMap Login
Readingwise Access the Readingwise Website
Room Booking System Book rooms and resources
SchoolComms School Comms
School Media School Media Sharepoint
Smoothwall Certificate Install SSL Certificate
Staff e-Mail Access your email and calendar online
Subjects Classwork Subjects Classwork Sharepoint
Subjects Handouts Subjects Handouts Sharepoint
TED Ideas worth spreading
TEDEd Lessons worth spreading
YouTube for Schools YouTube - geared for Teaching