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The Governing Body
To contact the governors, please email Germaine Brooks (Clerk to the Governors) at governors@spexe.org outlining the nature of the issue or call and leave a message at reception on 01392 204764.
Alternatively, you can address your concerns in writing to:
Andrew Beane (Chair of Governors)
c/o St Peters Church of England Aided School
Quarry Lane
Andrew Beane
The Venerable Andrew Beane
Archdeacon of Exeter
Foundation Governor (Ex Officio Substitute)
Chair of Governors / Standards & Provision Committee
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: To be advised
Term of Office 11/12/19 – 10/12/23
Second Term of Office 11/12/23 - 10/12/27
Fiona Boorer
Foundation Governor (Episcopal Trust)
Ethos & Chaplaincy Committee Member
Term of Office 17/11/21 – 16/11/25
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: To be advised
Stephen Bright
Local Authority Governor
Business Services Committee Member
Term of Office 12/12/18 – 11/12/22
Second Term of Office 01/02/23 - 31/01/27
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Director, Britac Ltd. Director, Grassways Management Co (Exeter) Ltd. School Governor – St David’s CofE Primary School Exeter
I was appointed a governor in December 2018. My son currently attends the school.
By profession I am a self-employed Chartered Accountant performing accounting, taxation compliance and advisory services for a portfolio of owner managed business ranging from sole traders to companies with turnovers up to £25 million. Before this I spent several years working for various accounting practices and also two years working as a financial director of a publishing company which was a subsidiary of a major international concern.
I became a governor as I wanted to help the School with the financial and management skills and experience I have gained. I am a firm believer that the most valuable thing a child can gain is a good education and sense of values and I would like to contribute to this in some small way. I would also hope that the knowledge and experience I have might support the governing body and contribute to enabling the School to meet its mission and objectives. In particular I aim to apply this assisting in overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring that the limited financial resources that the school has at its disposal is well spent and achieves maximum value for money.
Ali King
Foundation Governor (Diocesan Board of Education)
Ethos and Chaplaincy Committee Member/Deputy Lead Governor for Safeguarding
Term of Office 3/1/18 – 2/1/22
Second Term of Office 3/1/22 – 2/1/26
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Matthew Melksham
Matthew Melksham
Foundation Governor (The Lord Bishop)
Business Services Committee Member
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Associate – Bush and Co Chartered Accountants,
Director and Trustee – Churches Housing Action Team (Mid Devon) Ltd
Term of Office 27/3/19 – 26/3/23
Second Term of Office 27/03/23 - 26/03/27
Trevor Mills
Foundation Governor (St John’s Hospital Trust)
Chair Business Services Committee
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Term of Office 1/9/18 – 31/8/26
Rachel Oliver
Foundation Governor (St John’s Hospital Trust)
Vice Chair of Governors / Chair of Ethos & Chaplaincy Committee / Business Services Committee member
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Employee Redhills Primary School, Exeter
Term of Office 1/9/16 – 31/8/20
Second Term of Office 1/9/20 - 31/8/24
Third Term of Office 1/9/24 - 31/8/28
I joined the Governing Body in September 2016 as a Foundation Governor appointed by St John’s Hospital Trust and I am pleased to have the opportunity to serve as a governor.
Previous to becoming a governor at St Peter’s, I have been a Governor at Redhills School for six years. I also work at Redhills School as a part time Teaching Assistant, and this gives me a good knowledge of educational issues.
I am married with three children, the eldest two being at St Peter’s. In my spare time I enjoy being an active member of a local church, mountain biking and walking, and enjoying watching football, rugby and cricket.
Phil Randall
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Trustee, Exeter Episcopal Trust
Jenine Searle
Parent Governor
Standards & Provision Committee member
Term of Office 26/11/18 – 25/11/22
Second Term of Office 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2027
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Billie Stokes
Co Opt Governor
Term of Office - 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2027
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
David Armstrong
Co-Opt Governor
Business Services Committee Member
Term of Office 07/02/24 - 06/02/28
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
I have been an academic for most of my working life, having been a senior lecturer at Birmingham University and a professor at Durham, Exeter and Buckingham University. I have written books on a range of topics relating to international relations, including China’s foreign policy and international organisations and international law. I am in the 56th year of my marriage and have two sons and four grandchildren. I was a volunteer with the Samaritans for several years.
Joyce Lau
Foundation Governor
Ethos Committee Member
Term of Office 07/02/24 - 06/02/28
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
I worked as a teacher in a local secondary school in Hong Kong for three years, during which my passion for young people and education grew even more. Therefore, after moving to the UK in 2022, I continued to pursue a career that would allow me to continue my passion. I worked as a youth employment coach in a charity for a year in London and decided to move down to Exeter to be involved in a church plant. Now I am a Partnerships Manager in a school governor recruitment charity.
Staff Governor: Ruth Hough
Staff Governor
Term of Office - 14 Oct 2024 to 13 Oct 2024
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Parent Governor: Carolyn Jordan
Deputy SEND Link Governor
Term of Office 18/10/23 – 17/10/27
I was appointed to the Board of Governors in October 2023 as a Parent Governor. We have 4 children, 2 of whom are currently at St Peters. My background is in financial services, but I currently work part time at Tedburn St Mary Primary School and am also Chair of their PTA.
I applied to be a Governor because I would like to learn more about secondary education and offer a parents' perspective to the Governing team. I am a dedicated and passionate advocate for education and the role that parents play in this. I believe strongly in volunteering and enjoy bringing my skills to a team where we can offer help and effect change for the advancement and advantage of children. St Peter's ethos and vision underly an incredible opportunity for our young people and I am excited to be a part of this.
Former Governor: Emma Davis
Staff Governor
Standards & Provision Committee Member
Term of Office - 22 Mar 2023 to 21 Mar 2027
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest:
Employee (HLTA Communication & Interaction) - 7th Sep 2020 to present
Parent: I have a child starting as a student at St Peter’s in September 2023.
Former Governor: James Moore
Foundation Governor (Diocesan Board of Education)
Standards & Provision Committee
Term of Office 12/12/18 – 11/12/22
Second Term of Office: 12/12/2022 - 11/12/2026
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Director, Exeter Travel Clinic
As someone who grew up in Devon, has enjoyed a career spanning several countries, now with a child at St Peter’s, it is an honour to support the teaching and leadership team through serving on the Governing body of this excellent local school.
My background in healthcare has provided me with a broad set of skills and experiences. These include senior clinical nurse management within acute and emergency settings, through to creation and directorship of an independent healthcare practice. My clinical and leadership experience extends into overseas practice, where I have been involved in expeditions to remote and challenging environments.
Throughout my career I have fostered a keen involvement in education, providing clinical instruction for medical professionals, culminating in the recent development of the RCPSG post-graduate International Diploma in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine.
With an MSc in Global and Remote Healthcare, I value not only the importance education is to our children here in Exeter, but also the sustainable impact the St Peter’s educational ethos has on our wider, global community. My passion is that through developing thoughtful and purpose-driven determination, students will open a world of possibilities.
Former Governor: Maria Kapodistria
Maria Kapodistria
Staff Governor
Standards & Provision Committee member
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Term of Office 13/2/19 – 12/2/23
Former Governor: Joanna Webb
Parent Governor
Chair of Standards & Provision Committiee
Term of Office 26/11/18 – 5/10/22
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Nil
Former Governor: Jade Otty
Co-opted Governor
Standards & Provision Committee Member
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Vice Principal Exeter College
Term of Office: 5/2/20 – 5/10/22
Former Governor: Karen Leach
Foundation Governor (Episcopal Trust)
Chair of Governors/Chair of Standards & Provision Committee Member
Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interest: Acting Headteacher and Staff Governor, St Michael’s CofE Primary Academy, Exeter
Term of Office 1/9/16 – 31/8/20
Second Term of Office 1/9/20 - 31/8/24
Resigned From the Governing Body 6/10/21