News - 24th Jan 2023
Art at St Peter’s is both an intellectual and creative subject. Art is the means by which we interpret, express and understand our place in the world and is viewed as an important aspect of education. The art room is always buzzing with pupils at lunchtimes, each exploring their personal interests through art, photography and design skills. We strive to encourage students to develop independence on their art journey.
Through artistic CREATIVITY we allow students to experience ambiguity unlike any other subject. Art, like life is full of uncertainty, and can provide more questions than answers at times. This experience of moving forwards and finding your own path; learning through investigation and problem solving helps us to understand what it feels like to experience doubt and continue with confidence. In art we produce outcomes that don’t have a right or wrong answer, and in turn this helps our students to feel prepared for life after school where suddenly their choices are wide open in front of them.
Curriculum Aims
In art and design pupils explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media, developing confidence, competence, imagination and creativity. They learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they were made. In art, craft and design, pupils reflect critically on their own and other people’s work, judging quality, value and meaning. They learn to think and act as artists, craftspeople and designers, working creatively and intelligently. They develop an appreciation of art, craft and design, and its role in the creative and cultural industries that enrich their lives.
Assessment is largely formative, with a lot of value being placed on verbal feedback and conversations, with an expectation that students act on the feedback given.
We rarely provide feedback on individual pieces of work, as each new experience and outcome helps students to develop ideas, experiment, record and move towards a resolved outcome.
Individual homework tasks receive recognition and stars, and their contribution will be seen through their impact on the overall project.
Students will receive written or verbal feedback from their teacher and peers to help guide their journey, as well as a summative comment in their books. Student’s levels are updated based on regular book reviews, so there are there are always opportunities for students to revisit and improve earlier work.
Homework is set to help students to consolidate skills, demonstrate independence or to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
At KS3 homework is set approximately 3 – 4 times per term, with the expectation that students spend between 30 minutes to an hour on each task.
At KS4 students should be investing at least an hour per week outside of school on their art in order to reach their full potential.
Students are encouraged to visit galleries and museums, to draw and take photos outside of school. We want them to engage with the world around them and to be exposed to a wide range of artistic and creative influences.
Enrichment & Extra Curricular activities
The art rooms are open most lunchtimes for students to develop their skills. They can use the art room computers and resources to help them to complete art homework tasks, and will have opportunities to take part periodically in structured art activities during lunchtimes or after school workshops.
There is a weekly after school session for GCSE students who need a quiet space to work or additional guidance with their projects.
- Mrs M Littlejohn - SLL Art and Design.Teacher of KS3 Art, GCSE Photography, Fine Art and Graphic Design
- Mrs V Crocker – Teacher of KS3 Art, GCSE Photography and GCSE Fine Art
- Mrs H Hunt - Teacher of KS3 Art and GCSE Fine Art
- Mr M Burt - Deputy Headteacher & Teacher of GCSE Graphic Design
Homework is set to help students to consolidate skills, demonstrate independence or to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
At KS3 homework is set approximately 3 – 4 times per term, with the expectation that students spend between 30 minutes to an hour on each task.
At KS4 students should be investing at least an hour per week outside of school on their art in order to reach their full potential.
Students are encouraged to visit galleries and museums, to draw and take photos outside of school. We want them to engage with the world around them and to be exposed to a wide range of artistic and creative influences.
Subject Documents |
Year 7 curriculum overview |
Year 8 curriculum overview |
Year 9 FINE ART |
Year 10 FINE ART |
Year 10 photography |
Year 11 FINE ART |
Year 11 Photography |