News - 25th Mar 2022
“But in my opinion, all things in nature occur mathematically.” René Descartes.
Mathematics is more than a series of numbers and letters. Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Mathematics is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including tech, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports. Through the study of mathematics we learn to think and ask ‘what if..’, we develop processes that enable us to move forward in whichever field we may wish.
Mathematics at St Peter’s is taught by a team of specialist teachers. Our aim is simply to develop every student into the best mathematician they can possibly be. We want our students to be fluent in their mathematical knowledge and be able to apply it in different contexts, all the while building an understanding of how and why the mathematics that they are learning works. The school has an excellent mathematical record in preparing students for further study post-16 study and as such, all students are encouraged to develop their mathematics so that doors will remain open to them for whichever future path they wish to pursue.
We use a variety of approaches and resources in our teaching in order to develop a wider understanding and appreciation of mathematics. We aim to develop mathematicians who can problem solve and we endeavour to make mathematics interesting and enjoyable for all students. Students are encouraged to participate in the UK Maths Challenges, master classes at Exeter University and various other events, which generate mathematical interest and enthusiasm.
The mathematics curriculum at St Peter’s has a simple aim: to develop every student, from their first lesson at St Peter’s, into the best mathematician they can possibly be. We believe mathematical intelligence is expandable, and that every child can learn mathematics, given the appropriate learning experiences within and beyond the classroom. We have high expectations and believe every student is entitled to master key mathematical concepts. We ensure students receive the support and challenge they require in order to acheive this.
Our curriculum has been developed to meet the needs of St Peter’s students and has three key principles:
Deep Understanding
Our practice at Key stage 3 is specially structured to build on subject knowledge at key stage 2 and the same content is delivered to all pupils. This practice embeds the importance of deep understanding and making the links that help pupils to retain and apply this knowledge moving forward.
Mathematical thinking
We believe that it is essential for students to develop mathematical thinking in and out of the classroom in order to fully master mathematical concepts. We want students to have experiences that enable them to think like a mathematician by exploring, questioning, experimenting and making conjectures that lead to a deeper understanding of concepts and the links between the different areas of maths.
Mathematical Language
We believe that students should be encouraged to use mathematical language throughout their learning to deepen their understanding of concepts. The way students speak and write about mathematics has been shown to have an impact on their success in mathematics. We therefore think very carefully about the sequence, structure and approach to introducing and reinforcing mathematical vocabulary throughout maths lessons, so students have the opportunity to work with word problems from the beginning of their learning.
For students who really enjoy maths we provide the opportunity for further study as part of the GCSE options offered at St Peter’s. We currently have two options: GSCE statistics and, for the most able, GCSE statistics and FSMQ combined. FSMQ is a level 3 qualification and comprises of some topics taught in the first year of A -level maths.
Students are placed in sets on entry to Year 7 using their KS2 results and base line tests. Each term students undertake an assessment and movement between sets takes place depending upon the progress made. Students throughout Key stage 3 follow a programme of study based on the SPARX curriculum which has been developed to enable a deep understanding of the concepts taught for all learners. This helps students develop real foundations within mathematics on which further study can develop through students GCSE studies in Key stage 4. Upon entering Key stage 4 studentsare entered for the EDEXCEL GCSE Mathematics (1MA1) with the majority of students following the higher tier programme of study.
Throughout years 7 to 11 pupils will be assessed in a variety of ways, assessment is used to not only identify progress but most importantly to identify any misconceptions or knowledge gaps that teacher will need to support pupils in resolving with before moving forward. Assessments in mathematics’ will normally take the form of:
Prior knowledge Quizzes - Each pupil will complete a prior knowledge quiz at the beginning of each unit of work to identify any subject knowledge gaps, this will enable teachers to support students as they move through the unit and continue to make progress.
End of Unit Tests – Pupils will be assessed at the end of each unit to identify an potential misconceptions and that knowledge is secured before moving onto the next unit.
End of Term Assessments – Pupils will sit an end of term assessment incorporating topics taught recently as well as further back in the course.
Homework is an important part of supporting classroom learning, and within Mathematics it is a key part of our retrieval practice in supporting pupils to make connections and move forward. Homework has been proven to support progress, improve memory as well as prepare for examinations. At St Peters we will never set homework to simply fill the gap. Each piece is put together to best support students at all levels in their Mathematics and further study as well as career choices.
In years 7 to 10 students will be set an online piece each week on SPARX, this will incorporate content from their studies that week as well as previous units of work that year to support their understanding and knowledge retrieval. This is broken down into 3 elements Compulsory, XP Boost and target to make the level of challenge appropriate for all students.
In year 11 students are set a weekly piece of homework to support their learning throughout the GCSE course and in preparation for final GCSE assessments.
- Sandra England - Subject Learning Leader
- Marianna Lindon
- Katie Johnson
- Janet McIlveen - Assistant Subject Learning Leader
- Sam Brown
- Chris Gratton
- Rebecca Middlebrooke
- Bethany Fison
- Donna Kemp
- Lottie Isaacs
- Macca Oldfield
- Sarah Kussel
- Bradley Jarman
- Julie Ingham-Hil (Head of Year 8)
- Nicky Ferguson (Assistant Headteacher)
- Jonny Baker (Deputy Headteacher & Chaplin)