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- Student of The Month - October 2021
Student of The Month - October 2021
News - 22nd Nov 2021
Congratulations to the following individuals who
have been nominated by subjects as
Student of the Month – October 2021:
Alfie M 7KPH - working hard Ben G 7KPH - Science Roni S 7NLK & Livvy K 7- working hard Charlie S 7LJM - excellent perseverance Isabella C 7LJM - excellent work Joshua B 7ZMA - absolute super star!! Ralph T 7KES - Fantastic start to his time at St Peter’s. Liam F 7VLK - working hard
Olivia J 8VEO - positive attitude and a great role model for her peers. Noah S 8LEK - Drama Eloise Y 8CRG - Food Tech Jack H, Huw B, Rylan A & Louis W for excellent effort completing their 12 Bar Blues. Olivier R 8CRG always has good ideas. Aaron E 8VSL & Rachel H-G 8VSL lots of answers. Dan H 8MEC & Will U 8JMM - really enthusiastic. Otto S 8BJF - continued enthusiasm toward his learning. Matthew G 8JMM - amazing creative writing. Ilektra V-N 8SAI- for community spirit. Elliot B-Green 8CRG - considerate to others. |
Alex W 9KDS - travel & tourism Charlie C 9LEW - perseverance Aidan C 9CER for his excellent commitment to learning. Olivia J 9CER - creative writing.
Alice I 10TRM - hard work in all subjects. Jacob F, Francis B & Luke B - year 10 These three boys in year 10 provide an incredible level of support for assemblies and events at St Peter's through their running of the 'tech team'. The boys are always so dependable and hard working. Meishka G 10BJH for her mature, informed and empathetic approach to class discussion in VIP lessons this half term. Harmony W 10BJH - perseverance with learning. Zuzanna B 10HBB– motivated, conscientious and responds really well to feedback.
Ashlee P 11NMG - Physics Mason D 11MMT - English Benjamin C 11CDB - perseverance Nelly D 11MGS & Sophia P 11NMG - hard work Harvey M 11CDB- great work ethic Freddie A 11KLC- commitment to learning. |