Adaptations due to Weather


News - 25th Jun 2024

Dear Year 7-10 Parents & Carers

Adaptations due to Weather

In previous years we have adapted our uniform policy when summer weather conditions reached certain temperature thresholds. This ensured that students were able to learn in a safe and comfortable environment, whilst not compromising teaching & learning.

This summer term we have continued to monitor the weather and with the temperatures set to be particularly hot on Wednesday, we have decided to allow students to wear PE kit on Wednesday 26th June.

Students may still choose to wear normal uniform and the following will be acceptable:

  • Students may choose to continue to wear school uniform
  • Students may choose to wear normal uniform without a tie
  • Students may choose to wear PE kit
  • Please do not wear a combination of both school uniform and PE kit

Please can parents/carers ensure that students do not attempt to make any adjustments to their PE kit. I am grateful for your support with ensuring your son/daughter wears the appropriate PE kit. Hoodies, tracksuit tops or any other accessories will not be allowed.


  • Please come to school with a least two full water bottles of water so that you can keep hydrated.

Sun Cream and Sun Hats  

  • Please feel free to use and wear these sun protections responsibly

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will remain in contact over the coming days should there be any changes.

Given the weather forecast we anticipate a return to usual school uniform on Thursday 27th June.

Kind regards

St. Peter’s