News - 25th Feb 2025
Sports & Health
We believe that through a varied programme of activities that are enjoyable, fulfilling, demanding and challenging, students can see the benefit of a healthy active lifestyle. The curriculum will engage all learners so that they have a desire to succeed and achieve their potential whilst inspiring them to make healthy lifestyle choices.
St Peter’s Sports & Health department is a lively and welcoming place. We have a well-appointed fitness suite, large sports hall, a gymnasium, a dance studio, a free standing Climbing wall, Astroturf, tennis courts/netball courts, purpose built athletics jumping area and outdoor playing fields including rugby and football pitches in the winter and an 400m track and throwing areas in the summer.
In an independent review by the county advisor for Physical Education we were judged as an outstanding department. It was noted that ‘the overwhelming sense from students and from lessons observed is one of a high performing department, run by teachers that genuinely care about the progress their students make’. We were judged as an outstanding department.
Our GCSE PE results are consistently very good and a large number of our students go on to study sport at college and at University. Many of Exeter and East Devon’s PE teachers studied sport here at St. Peters.
All students also have the opportunity to experience competition on sports day when students represent their tutor groups in a wide variety of different activities. Participation in our sports day is 100%.
Curriculum Key Stage 3
Throughout years 7 and 8 all students receive two hours per week of quality physical education. The department ensures that all students follow as wide a range of activities as possible, whilst being assessed in the following areas:
- Developing skills
- Making and applying decisions
- Developing mental and physical capacity
- Evaluating and improving and knowledge of healthy active lifestyles
The department strongly believe that young people should be given the knowledge to help them lead healthy lifestyles; that’s why they follow a comprehensive sports science programme covering specific topics each year in preparation for GCSE PE in years 9, 10 and 11.
Year 7
In Year 7 the students have two hours of core physical education a week and across the year study the following activity areas: Games principles (invasion), Core stability through gymnastics, Fitness for life & sports science, Aesthetic appreciation through dance & movement, Taking responsible risks through Climbing & OAA, Sports Leadership, Hand eye coordination through striking, fielding & racket sports and Performing at maximum levels through athletic based activities.
The Year 7 Sports science topics are listed below. These are taught and tested during the Fitness for life & Sports Science block of work and reinforced throughout all other lessons.
- Understanding the function and components of the heart
- Muscles and movement
- Antagonistic muscle pairs
- Heart rate response to exercise
- Label the skeleton
- Label the muscular system
All Year 7 students are encouraged to try out the wide range of extra-curricular clubs that are on offer at lunch times and after school.
Year 8
In Year 8 the students have two hours of core physical education a week and across the year study the following activity areas: Games principles (invasion), Games principles (net), Fitness for life & Sports Science, Core stability through gymnastics, Taking responsible risks through climbing & OAA, Aesthetic appreciation through dance & movement, Hand eye coordination through striking, fielding & racket sports and Performing at maximum levels through athletic based activities.
The Year 8 Sports science topics are listed below. These are taught and tested during the Fitness for life & Sports Science block of work and reinforced throughout all other lessons.
- Aerobic and anaerobic exercise
- Slow and fast twitch muscle fibres
- Classification of bones
- Types of levers
- Components of the respiratory system
- Components of the cardiovascular system
All Year 8 students are encouraged to try out the wide range of extra-curricular clubs that are on offer at lunch times and after school.
Curriculum Key Stage 4
Year 9
In Year 9 core PE the students have two hours of physical education a week and across the year study a broad and balanced curriculum: Invasions games principles (including rugby, hockey, basketball, netball etc), Net games principles (including volleyball, badminton, tennis etc), Fitness for life & Sports Science (see below), Core stability and performance through trampolining and gymnastics, Taking responsible risks through climbing & OAA, Trail running / circuit training, Aesthetic appreciation through dance & movement, Hand eye coordination through striking, fielding & racket sports and Performing at maximum levels through athletic based activities.
The Year 9 Sports science topics are listed below and are designed to mirror and compliment the GCSE PE syllabus. These are taught and tested during the Fitness for life & Sports Science block of work and reinforced throughout all other lessons.
- Principles of training
- Components of fitness and fitness testing
- The cardiovascular system
- The respiratory system
All Year 9 students are encouraged to try out the wide range of extra-curricular clubs that are on offer at lunch times and after school.
Those following the Edexcel GCSE PE course will cover the following topic areas in year 9:
- The skeletal system
- The muscular system
- The cardiovascular system
- The respiratory system
- The components of fitness and fitness testing
- The principles of training
Resources are available to students through Google classroom and we highly recommend the use of the Pearson ‘Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Physical Education’ Revision Guide and flashcards.
Year 10
In Year 10 students choose a pathway to follow in core PE. For those who have chosen GCSE PE this will also help towards their practical grades. They can choose from the following three options:
Competitive Team Games
Football, hockey, netball, basketball, handball, rugby, rounders, cricket etc
Competitive Individual Performance
Badminton, squash, athletics, swimming, orienteering, golf, trail running etc
Sport and physical activity for life
Aerobics, Badminton, Trampolining, Netball, Climbing etc
All students also complete a unit of work in sport science in order to help to prepare them for a healthy and active adult life.
The Year 10 Sports science topics are listed below and are designed to give students an experience of different types of fitness classes available to them outside the school environment. These are taught during the Fitness for life & Sports Science block of work and reinforced throughout all other lessons.
- High intensity work out (HITT)
- Circuit training
- Resistance training
- Intense cardio-training
At the end of each block of work the students are assessed using the GCSE PE marking criteria (skills in isolation and skills in a competitive situation). These marks also help when deciding which activities the GCSE PE students will complete their final practical assessments in during March to May in Year 11. Students also have the opportunity to apply to complete an award in sport leadership.
All Year 10 students are encouraged to try out the wide range of extra-curricular clubs that are on offer at lunch times and after school.
Those following the Edexcel GCSE PE course will cover the following topic areas in year 10:
- Risk assessment and injury in sport
- Levers, planes and axis
- Diet and nutrition
- Health and well being
- Sport psychology
- Socio-cultural influences
Resources are available to students through Google classroom and we highly recommend the use of the Pearson ‘Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Physical Education’ Revision Guide and flashcards.
Year 11
If they wish, students in Year 11 are able to change their PE pathway within core PE time. This allows students to try different types of sports from those in year 10. For those who have chosen GCSE PE this will also help towards fulfilling their practical grades which must contain a team sport and an individual activity plus one other. All students can once again choose from the following three options:
Competitive Team Games
Football, hockey, netball, basketball, handball, rugby, rounders, cricket etc
Competitive Individual Performance
Badminton, squash, athletics, swimming, orienteering, golf, trail running etc
Sport and physical activity for life
Aerobics, Badminton, Trampolining, Netball, Climbing etc
At the end of each block of work the students are assessed using the GCSE PE marking criteria (skills in isolation and skills in a competitive situation). These marks also help when deciding which activities the GCSE PE students will complete their final practical assessments in the spring term.
All Year 11 students are encouraged to try out the wide range of extra-curricular clubs that are on offer at lunch times and after school in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. We recognise that sport and physical activity can contribute hugely to mental wellbeing as well as academic success.
Those following the Edexcel GCSE PE course will complete a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) in the autumn term. This will involve using circuit training to collect fitness data before interpreting and analysing the results. In the spring term, following the prelim exams attention turns to fulfilling the criteria for practical assessment and revision in the run up to the May exam.
Resources are available to students through Google classroom and we highly recommend the use of the Pearson ‘Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Physical Education’ Revision Guide and flashcards.
Extra Curricular
Enrichment & Extra Curricular Activities
Every child has access to a vast range of sport clubs every day at lunchtime and after school.
These include: Netball, Gymnastics, Hockey, Trampolining, Athletics (outdoors and sports hall), Dance, Cricket, Cross Country, Rounders, Football, Futsal, Tennis, Rugby, Jui Jitsu, Basketball, Badminton, Ultimate Frisbee, Sport Leaders, Recreational sport club, fitness club in our large state of the art multi gym and Climbing on our unique free standing outdoor rock.
Students are given the opportunity to compete against other schools both locally and nationally.
Our school is the reigning Exeter and Mid Devon School Sport Partnership Champion – a title we have never lost and we compete at a National level in Netball, Futsal and Ultimate Frisbee. We are also south west champions in a number of sports and many of our students compete at a National level.
We are proud to say that there is no other school locally that can match the variety and depth of our sporting achievements. We are also proud that participation rates in extra curricular sport both at lunchtimes and after school are exceptional.
Kit Policy
If any student is injured or is too ill to fully participate in the lesson, they should still bring and wear kit to their PE lesson. Although they may not be able to fully participate practically in the lesson, we don’t want it to become a barrier to their learning of tactics, evaluation, skills and fitness knowledge and we will still include them as much as possible.
You must wear:
- St Peter’s maroon polo-shirt and St Peter’s black sports shorts
- You may wear plain black tracksuit trousers when appropriate or the new style St Peter’s tracksuit trousers
- Trainers with non-marking soles and white socks
- St Peter’s new style maroon polo shirt or the St Peter’s new style rugby top depending on the sport you are playing. The St Peter’s micro fleece may be worn over the top of the polo shirt for non contact sports. You must wear the reversible rugby shirt for all rugby lessons
- St Peter’s new style black sports shorts. No other type of shorts are acceptable.
- You may wear plain black tracksuit trousers when appropriate or the St Peter’s tracksuit trousers. No other type of tracksuit trousers are acceptable.
- You may wear a plain black base layer compression top under your PE shirt.
- You may wear plain black sport leggings however they can only be worn underneath the new style black St Peter’s shorts. You may not wear just the leggings on their own.
- Football/rugby boots when appropriate. You must wear these for rugby lessons and football lessons on the field.
- St Peter’s new style maroon long socks
- Shin pads are compulsory for all football and hockey lessons and extra-curricular matches
- Mouthguards are compulsory for all rugby and hockey lessons and extra-curricular matches
- You must NOT wear jewellery or watches during PE lessons. Your nails must be kept short so as not to injure other people during PE lessons.
- Money, ear studs, watches etc. may be handed in to staff to look after during PE lessons
- You should bring a towel if you wish to use the showers after your PE lesson or extra curricular Club
Please clearly name all items of your sports kit to ensure that you get them back if they become lost.
When wearing the new style St. Peter’s black sport shorts, they must be loose fitting and not skin tight
If you have forgotten to bring any item of your PE kit to the lesson, please inform you PE teacher immediately.
Clothing for Sports
Clothing for Sports
Compulsory items to purchase:
- St Peter’s black sports shorts
- St Peter’s maroon polo-shirt
- St Peter’s sports socks
- St Peter’s rugby top
- Football/Rugby boots
- Gum shield
- Shin pads
Optional Items
- St. Peter’s tracksuit trousers or plain black tracksuit trousers
- Black base layer
- St Peter’s micro fleece
St Peter’s PE uniform can be purchased from Thomas Moore either in store or online
Thomas Moore, Fore Street, Exeter, EX4 3JB